Our car magents are at various local businesses in Ocean City, NJ and surronding area. Please Note! - subject to availability so you may want to call or visit the following locations:
- AtTheShore.com - 801 Asbury Ave., Ocean City - (888) 546-4466
- Ready's Coffee Shop - 415 8th Street, Ocean City - (609) 399-4418
* Plus shipping ($3.00) & NJ sales tax (7%)
Magnets are also available ** at :
- Wallace Hardware - $3.00 per pair (left & right) OR 1 pair with a $20 purchase **
750 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City - (609) 399-2227
- Rauhauser's Candies - $3.00 per pair (left & right) OR 1 pair with a $20 purchase **
721 Asbury Ave., Ocean City - (609) 399-1465
- Dak's Kayaks - $3.00 per pair (left & right) or 1 pair with a $20 purchase **
1101 Asbury Ave., Ocean City - (609) 464-1347
- Ralph's Bagels - $3.00 per pair or 1 flip flop (left or right) with each breakfast/lunch **
121 Tuckahoe Rd, Marmora - (609) 390-3100
** - requires purchase, limit one per customer and while supplies last.